X-mas is coming ever closer but snow is nowhere to be found. I went out into the dark to search for it on the ground.
It was very dark day. Clouds everywhere around, it was drizzling right from the morning and wind has almost blew me and my bike of path.
One more race in Prague on the way home.
One of the best weekends of the year has just passed.
The crystal Para-cycling road UCI World Cup trophy is home. Long hoped for, awaited and at the end deserved.
Season's mission completed. After observing South African tarmac for about 75km it all came to sprint finish...
One of a kind rest day in South Africa. Training in the morning followed by safari with lions, rhinos, elephants, zebras, ostriches and antelopes.
Success! Sort of anyway,... I have achieved silver position in South African TT world cup round.
Finally in South Africa. Country of amazing contrast, beautiful nature and not so smooth roads :D
Dnes bol zaiste vynimocny den, podarilo sa s timom vybojovat striebornu medailu na MSR casovky druzstiev.